Speakers Network - Macroeconomics and Finance

Below you will find a selection of thought leaders. To access our full range of thousands of unique speakers, please contact us for a bespoke proposal for your event.
Scott Moeller

Director M&A Research CentreScott Moeller


Advisory Board MemberAnn Lee

New York, United States

Professor of Finance and Deputy DeanProf. Ning Zhu


Director General and Chief EconomistDavid Daokui Li

<a target="_blank" href="http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min11_e/min11_e.htm" rel="noopener">Eighth WTO Ministerial Conference</a>

The Eighth Session of the Ministerial Conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 15-17 December 2011, as agreed by the General Council at its meeting in October 2010.
� WTO | Photo: Studio Casagrande (Jay Louvion / Kryvosheiev Nikita)

Director GeneralPascal Lamy


Independent Economist, Research Associate, AuthorGeorge Magnus

London, United Kingdom

Political Economist, ProfessorShirley Yu

Keyu Jin

Professor of Economics at The London School of Economics and Political ScienceKeyu Jin

London, UK | Beijing, China
Beatrice Weder di Mauro

President at Centre for Economic Policy Research | Professor, INSEADBeatrice Weder di Mauro

Lutfey Siddiqi

Professor of Finance and Deputy DeanLutfey Siddiqi